
Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000 | DigiKey Daily

The Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000 allows users to create more complex, customized boards for particular designs needs. This compact board combines the features and benefits of a SAM D21 ARM Cortex-M0 32-bit microcontroller and a Cyclone 10CL016 FPGA with 16k logic elements, five-hundred-and-four kilobits of embedded RAM, and fifty-six 18-bit by 18-bit hardware multipliers for high-speed DSP applications, making this a powerful and highly configurable Arduino board. Additionally, the FPGA pins can toggle up to 150 megahertz and can also be configured as common communications ports such as UART, I2C, and SPI, making this board ideal for audio and video processing. Other hardware assets include Wi-Fi and BLE connectivity, eight megabytes of RAM, a two-megabyte QSPI Flash chip, and a MIPI camera connector.

11/30/2018 2:38:13 PM